You can use this games to improve your students speaking ability
  • Ask students to bring 1 product like candy, soap, tooth paste, or anything that can be sold.
  • Student make 5 sentence to promote the product.
  • Student perform the monologue  as a sales marketing to promote the product in front of the class.
  • After he/she is done, he/she have to choose one of her/his friend to be the next performance.

"Guessing" English Games

To enrich your student vocabulary you can apply this games in your class :

  • Ask the students to guess what is on your mind by saying “ In this classroom , I can see something that begins with “C”…
  • Students might answer :chair, or curtain or clock
  • If they cannot “read your mind”, so you win the game. The answer they were supposed to find was “cable”
  • So, you can play again by saying:
  • “in this classroom, I can see something that begin with “B”…etc.
  • Remember that the teacher always have to mention something they can see in the classroom. It might be parts of the body, clothing, make-up, stationary ..etc

Say "Boom" English Games

The game can be played when the white board has not been cleaned up, or the room is dirty, then the eliminated student  punishment will be to clean them up

  • Ask  all students to stand up.
  • They all have to count after you give them some clues, for example : The student have to count and whoever get  5 multiple number, she/he should say “boom” or anyword you wish as a teacher, like this:
  • One-two-three-four-boom
  • Six-seven-eight-nine-boom
  • The number, 5,10,15 or 20 have to be replaced by “boom” and if the students say:”five” or “ten” or “fifteen” the 
  •                                                   student will have punishment from you.

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